Cricket Wireless Case Study
Challenge– Cricket Wireless was the first wireless company to offer limited coverage/unlimited calling for a flat fee in the nation. Our challenge was to educate the consumer on this new format of wireless coverage.
Strategies/Tactics – Utilize the now, highly recognizable vibrant green couch as the brand’s spokesman with the message that Cricket Wireless is “Comfortable” because there are no hidden fees.
- Huge rollout campaign to introduce the brand to Albuquerque (one of the pilot entry markets). We did this by delivering green donuts, mugs, and couch paraphernalia to the media as well as having a mini hot air balloon rally (each balloon carrying a Cricket Wireless banner) during the morning commute on the Big-I to announce that Cricket had launched in Albuquerque
- Consistent, ongoing news release dissemination
- Special events such as the Motor Mouth Event, where the person who could talk the longest non-stop on a Cricket phone would win a free Mini Cooper
- Corporate giving program
- Unique promotional products
Results – Cricket exceeded its goals in Albuquerque and its marketing and promotions became the standard for each additional city launch. Today, 10 years after the launch, the Albuquerque market continues to be in the top three of all Cricket markets in the country.