Marketer Banquet Announces Awards
Griffin & Associates won top honors and was named “Best” of the Marketers of the Year at the recent 22nd Annual Marketer of the Year Awards banquet.
The New Mexico chapter of the American Marketing Association also bestowed three honorary awards. Tamara Williams was recognized as the chapter’s member of the year; the president’s award went to March Direct Marketing; and the recognition of excellence award went to DJ Heckes.
The awards banquet raised more than $1,000 through the evening’s raffle. A portion of the proceeds from the event will support UNM’s student marketing organization and their educational efforts.
Marketer of the Year Compass Winners were: Adelante Development Center; UNM Distance Education/Gallup Programs; Esparza Advertising for the New Mexico Department of Transportation; Presbyterian Healthcare Plan; UNM Distance Education/Statewide Campaign; Griffin & Associates.
Student category winners included: UNM Nvent Marketing Partnership for three projects.
Susan G. Komen Award of Merit Winners included: WESST; Carroll Strategies; Exhib-it!; Vienna Creative; Esparza Advertising; Lovelace Health System; G&G Advertising; and First Community Bank.
For more details visit, www.nmama.org or email [email protected].
April 25, 2011