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Town of Taos to Renew Marketing Contract

The Taos Town Council voted unanimously Tuesday (May 10) to renew the town’s marketing contract with Griffin and Associates.

The Albuquerque-based firm has been doing marketing for the town for four years. Ten companies responded to the town’s recent request for proposals, which procurement officer Tina Torres said will not be made public until a contract with Griffin is signed, likely later this month.

Owner and President Joan Griffin said a marketing plan should be complete in the coming weeks, though the firm plans for “a lot more social media and online media.” She also said Griffin and Associates will be using new technology to track results and get better, more “concrete” data about the results of its marketing efforts.

“That’s the other big push,” she said.

A budget has not been set, but town public affairs and tourism director Cathy Connelly said the marketing budget is proposed to be $410,000 in the next fiscal year.

Connelly prepared the following items relating to Tuesday’s council meeting:

1) Approved – Budget adjustment request involving the water rights fund, $100,000, to repair a major water valve leak at the intersection of Kit Carson and Paseo del Pueblo Norte/Sur (intersection of US 64 and NM 68).  It is anticipated that the repair will take one week, and will have to occur during June, 2011.  This is an emergency procurement action to repair this leak.  The Town of Taos will do its best to complete the repair in a fashion responsive to off-visitor timeframes, and understands that June is not optimum for area merchants.  However, this is an emergency situation, and could become much worse if it is not attended to as soon as possible.  Traffic will be interrupted, but this interruption should be restricted to the identified intersection.  However, using alternative routes as possible is recommended (i.e., Camino de la Placita).  Taos Police Department traffic control assistance will be scheduled.  The exact dates for this repair will be communicated as soon as they are ready, and the selected contractor will be working with the Town to inform all merchants of the situation/closure.  Public Utilities Director Amos Torres indicates that his team is working on not having to turn water off for this procedure – with confirmation pending.  Originally, it was hoped that the leak could be repaired through ‘pipe bursting’ techniques, where one relines the existing pipe, which would be less disruptive.  However, further investigation revealed that the leak went beyond the ability to be repaired in this manner.  Again, this is an urgent situation, and the faster it can be remedied, the better for all.  Questions should be directed to Mr. Torres, [email protected].

2) “Allen Vigil Day in Taos” was declared today by the Town Mayor/Council.  Mr. Vigil has served the Taos community his entire life, through his family, music, church, civic contributions, and professional involvement in the Town of Taos Planning & Zoning Department, including playing a major role in historic preservation, land use development codes, master plans, and support of the Arts & Cultural District, as well as being involved and instrumental in the Taos Project and the development of Taos Plaza Live.  Mr. Vigil has resigned his position with Town of Taos Planning & Zoning Department.  Thank you Allen Vigil!

3) Approved – New restaurant beer and wine liquor license for El Gamal, LLC, 112 Dona Luz, Taos.

4) May 20th – Town Spring Clean Up by All Staff – Join us and make Friday, May 20th a focused, collected town-wide effort to clean up your yard or business frontage — as Town of Taos staff tackles public roads, parks and other areas.  All 176 staff, except those assigned to essential services, will be out cleaning, picking up trash and repairing areas throughout Town to kick off our summer season.

6) Tabled.  Consideration of an ordinance amending the Town’s water policy – to clarify situations in which connection to Town water and payment of hook-up fees along with transfer of water rights or payment of water rights user fees are, or are not, required.

7) Chamisa Verde Affordable housing ordinance — discussion delayed for more information; back on agenda end of May, 2011.

8) Approved – Taos Regional Airport – pavement sealer and rejuvenator program.  This is 95% paid for by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

9) Planning Director William Morris, Planning & Zoning Director, reviewed the petition that is being presented to the Municipal Boundary Commission to annex various infill parcels around the Town as directed by the Town Council.  This was brought up last Council meeting, and is focused on cleaning up confusing and problematic “pockets” in the Town of Taos service boundary.

10) Accepted – Convention and Visitor Services Director Ron Yachinich secured a grant for the Town, which was accepted by Council, in the amount of $44,345 from the NM Environment Dept., to pay for the replacement of existing pea gravel and wood mulch surface areas beneath playground equipment at Kit Carson Park, Fred Baca Park, and Taos Youth and Family Center with recycled tire rubber mulch.

11) Approved – Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commissioners for two year terms – Jim Thompson, Douglas Patterson, Justin Lea, and Mario Suazo.

12) Council has been asked to examine jake-brake and boom box ordinances issues from a nuisance (noise) approach.

12) No action – pay proposals related to Town of Taos reorganization (item out of Executive Committee).

via The Taos News

May 10, 2011