Marketing Tips
Creativity and strategy are the defining factors in succesful marketing programs.
Our engagements usually begin with a one-day Strategic Marketing Planning Session held for the management team. In this session, we identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; outline the key marketing objectives to be achieved; create strategies and then design the action plans to fulfill the objectives.
Common Mistakes
Avoid making common advertising mistakes. Among the top ones:
- Discounting
- Delegating
- Being a generalist
- Too much chatter
- Logo too large
- Too many details
- Using “I” too much
Who are you?
Before you can effectively market your business, you need to be clear about who you are. What’s the scope of your services, your products, your experience? Why should people do business with your company?
After you’ve made the presentation, what you leave behind continues to speak for your company. Your company brochure or any other marketing piece should be as unique to your company as your logo.
Our philosophy: Simplicity, Results, Cost-effectiveness.
Media Basics
We have placed hundreds of stories for our clients in publications and on network television locally, regionally and nationally. Some basics to remember when going after media coverage:
- Send only newsworthy items
- Keep it simple—give the media just the basics: (who, what, where, when, why and how)
- Think from the media’s perspective
- Include 24-hour contacts: (home number, work number, pager, cell phone)
- For broadcast, think visually (the media won’t use ”talking head” footage)
- Unless it’s really newsworthy, e-mail or fax a release rather than holding news conferences
- Don’t forget to include trade and specialty publications in your PR plan.
Customer Service
It is much easier to up-sell an existing customer than to get a new one. Find out what you are doing right and where there’s room for improvement.
We will customize a progam for your organization. Or we can deliver one of our existing programs:
* Creating a Raving Fans Program
* Putting the Magic into Advertising
* Marketing on a Shoe String Budget